How Cognitive Biases Impact Minimalism

Imagine staring at a dusty box overflowing with clothes you haven't worn in years. The price tags still dangle, a...

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Stuck in Your Stuff? How the Status Quo Bias Hinders Minimalism

Imagine staring at a room overflowing with stuff, a constant reminder of your minimalist aspirations. You know decluttering will bring...

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The Social Comparison Trap: Why Keeping Up With Others Blocks Your Minimalist Path

You scroll through your phone, inspired by your minimalist journey. You've been decluttering, purging unused items, and reveling in the...

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The Endowment Effect: Unraveling Our Tendency to Overvalue our Stuff

Minimalism is a lifestyle that focuses on intentionality and living with less. It prioritizes experiences over possessions, encouraging us to...

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The "Guilt-Free Gadget" Trap: How Mental Accounting Sabotages Your Minimalist Journey

Ever feel like you can freely spend a bonus or a tax refund, even if you wouldn't normally splurge on...

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Embrace the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO): Ditch FOMO and Design a Fulfilling Life

Imagine endless scrolling, friends vacationing in paradise, and colleagues celebrating promotions. It's easy to feel left behind. But JOMO offers...

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Fear of Missing Out or Fear of Owning Less? Why Minimalism and FOMO Clash

We've all felt it – that sinking feeling of missing out, fueled by a perfectly curated social media post or...

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Befriending Loss Aversion for a More Fulfilling Life - A Minimalist Mindshift

Imagine staring down a dusty box overflowing with college textbooks. You haven't cracked them open in years, but the memories...

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Sketchnotes Vorlagen zum Üben Schritt für Schritt

Sketchnotes templates for practising step by step

Here you can practise drawing Sketchnote icons. Clear step-by-step instructions help you to create a meaningful symbol on paper from simple lines and strokes.

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