37 Jahre lang jeden Tag einen Baum pflanzen

Planting a tree every day for 37 years

37 Jahre lang jeden Tag einen Baum pflanzen

Jadev Payeng dreamed of turning his native island of Majuli in northern India back into the forests they once were. Instead of just dreaming about it, he planted a tree every day.

Since 1979 he has planted 550 hectares (almost twice the size of New York's Central Park and roughly 786 football fields) with trees by himself! This way, he has created a home for 115 elephants, rhinoceroses, and even tigers from an eroding land. Not only does he plant trees, he also protects the forest from poachers.

It's unbelievable what one person can achieve by breaking down the big goal into steps and implementing them daily, always keeping sight of their vision. Along the way, he also ensures that his achievements are protected.

Until his last breath, he wants to plant trees. Watch an impressive video about it here.